I like gladiators and the whole concept. the implementation is pretty cool with customization and other fun shit ... but this one of those social media games that you play on facebook and I resent that. Go to youtube and watch Jonathan Blow's lecture.
I mean honestly it's like farmville (which is the worst, most evil piece of flaming **** in the history of gaming) you're trying to share your game, get players, get advertisers (all the while getting them to pay you MORE), get idiots who would actually buy "money" for this game.
it gets you hooked into playing a game for hours, coming back every day, and all the while... what have you REALLY accomplished? the game itself is not fun. there's no real challenge. its just progressing through a series of obstacles, no story, no ultimate ending, nothing. You just press flashing buttons to attack. There's no skill involved, no thinking involved, and certainly no depth. there's no more stimulation through the multiplayer than there is in visiting someone else's "ville" in one of zynga's craptacular money-raping games. as gamers i implore you, don't play these POS games, because its making bad people a lot of money so they can make more pieces of crap, and make more money. fund good games by giving them your attention and money. games with insight, originality, depth, skill, fun. ALL THAT GOOD STUFF. all i ask is that before you play a game, think to yourself "is this really a good game? or am i just being tricked?" because i'm sure if you think about it, you've played a game exactly like this before, and you won't get anything more out of playing yet another time-waster.