that was so sad T.T
that was so beautiful and sad. it brought a tear to my eye, this is the second thing ive cried watching in my entire life. Rest in peace 9-11 victims, and may their families and friends find peace as well.
-god bless
that was so sad T.T
that was so beautiful and sad. it brought a tear to my eye, this is the second thing ive cried watching in my entire life. Rest in peace 9-11 victims, and may their families and friends find peace as well.
-god bless
great flash, man. didn't dissapoint. although considering how long it took my expectations were a little bit higher. great flash and originality. loved it, man. the 2 new characters were awesome too. im sad one of em died :( i hope we see him again.
lol that was really funny! and the accent actually just made it a lot more funny, i dont think it'd be half as funny without the accent? which is kinda wierd, lol. but anyway really funny and great job. my grandma was watching this over my shoulder and thought the sketch with the grenade was hilarious. nice job, man :D
ha funny!
lol my grandma was watching this over my shoulder too and thought it was really funny. great movie, nice job :) very funny. btw what was the sound that when you hoovered over the "visit crappy website button"? i liked it :) my grandma also thought it was hilarious, lmao
sorry, but this really is bad
the animation is terrible and the storyline is bad. everything about it is pretty bad. i can appreciate your effort in this though. its clear that your a beginner and trying to learn so thats good. just keep working on everything. practice makes perfect.
BTW = tau , if you will notice, have hooves. not feet.
1.improve the animation. watch other animations and drawings and study the styles VERY CAREFULLY. then practice doing them.
2.research up on the backstory of Warhammer 40k
3.make a more coherant plotline (what planet, what system. why when who what where? just remember to make things a bit more clear)
4.learn to use flash better, there are a lot of tutorials and stuff online. also if you look hard enough there will be people willing to teach you and im sure most flash artists will be more than happy to give you tips. in number 1, observe flash films or movies and how the characters move. theres a specific way people walk and move and how light reflects and positioning. look at it carefully and try to remember it and be able to immitate it in your movies.
6.the shadow in that battle scene goes too high. (SHADOWS DONT GO ON THE SKY)
7.pace it better. and maybe use some voices or place the text boxes better.
this needs LLOTS of work. id scrap it and make a new one.
nothing good. just an OK graphics thingy with random Warhammer40k stuff. theres some nice cinamatography but also some really cheesy parts (the tanks blowing up, WTF WAS THAT?)
so just nothing special.
blew my mind with this one man. i loved it. 10000x worth the wait and much better graphics then number 1. really well done, mate. good job.
really nice flash and i loved it. the animation was a bit rough but thats understandable. and that ultramarine chant just sounds SO RETARDED... i dont know why but it just does. w/e good flash
the idea was good and especially how you made it the typical 1950s child information video style. but the voice you used (whether it was yours or a friends, i dont know) you should change it. the voice is unsuited to that style of video and it makes all the jokes very dull and flat. or if you dont change it at least do it with some goddamn enthusiasm? i was rather stone faced through it. but the idea was good so just try re-doing it.
btw. the animation wasnt too great either. but thats not my main problem with the video.
lol, you sicko
lol that was funny. the end was mean though!!! XDXDXD really funny.
good job.
Stay classy, Newgrounds
Age 30, Male
Old school
The Big City
Joined on 8/4/08